How To Restore A Hard Drive?
22 February 2018
How to recover files and deleted photos from your mobile
20 March 2018My mobile was stolen, how do I recover my data?
The smartphone has become an authentic Swiss Army knife, an essential tool for our day to day life. That is why we have to be prepared for any incident, be it a mobile problem that causes us to change terminals because it does not work. But also in more serious cases, if we have lost it, or even worse, if it has been stolen. How do I recover my data? It is the question that arises once we assume the loss. After all, the phone has become our digital memory.
They are the photos, the memories of a trip, a family event, etc., what hurts us most to lose. The ideal is to have a backup that is done on a regular basis, as it is the only guarantee of not losing data. But the truth is that, if we have not taken the trouble to configure anything, most likely we cannot recover any data. Let’s see what we can do in case of theft.
It is essential to take into account the operating system that our phone has. Android, iOS or Windows 10 Mobile offer us different formulas to find the phone. These features are very useful especially if we have lost it and the phone has not used up its battery. If the phone is switched off, which is usual when a theft has occurred, its recovery will be more complicated.
In Android we can use Android Device Manager, which allows us to locate the smartphone, make an alarm sound to facilitate its location when we are nearby or remotely wipe the data, in case you have the certainty that we will not be able to recover it. In this way, we avoid that our personal data fall into the hands of third parties. In iOS we have the similar option through iCloud to help us locate the phone. Windows 10 allows us to associate our phones, laptops or tablets and call, block or delete data, for smartphones, in addition to geo-localizing them in the case of other devices.
Then, independently of the operating system that we have, we can install other third-party applications that will help us to do the same. An example could be Cerberus, for Android; Lookout, available for Android and for iOS; or Prey, a very solvent alternative that works also in Windows or in Linux for Android or for iOS.
In addition, these options must be added to what we offer the main online antivirus, which, in addition to protecting against malware, data theft or malicious applications, add a number of options to recover the phone in case of theft and block it if the SIM is extracted. An example is Norton Mobile Security, available for iOS and Android, Kaspersky, Eset Mobile Security or McAfee Mobile Security, all with very similar solutions to recover the smartphone.
Finally, mobile users also have the option of trusting their telecommunications operator. For example, Orange, through its Mobile Insurance, includes an app with which, in case of theft, the customer can locate their mobile from any computer, smartphone or tablet, making it sound or locating it on a map. To activate it, you will receive on your mobile an SMS with the activation code and a link to the download platform (both iOS and Android) within 24 hours of contracting the mobile insurance service. In addition, the client can decide at the moment if he wants to block the device and delete all his contacts, photos and videos, which he can recover the next day at his replacement terminal.